Read hle, Mbaks; I promise it won’t kill you 

Read hle, Mbaks; I promise it won’t kill you 

Fikile Mbalula has repeatedly proven that he is a palooka of note. Helen Zille exposed him big time on national TV after realising that Mbaks didn’t read clause 24 of the ANC and DA agreement on a government of national unity. 

Kore Mbalula just signed on the document without taking into consideration ukuthi what trap he was putting Khongolose into. Manje seku shubile cos magogo is saying that there is no way in hell that Gayton McKenzie’s PA would be a member of the GNU dispensation. 

The only thing Mbaks knows is to talk too much, rather than reading binding contracts. 

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  1. South Africans must stand together and these ANC mafia zombies

    They must start arresting these African national criminals ANC that was involved in corruption implicated in the zondo report

    They keep on targeting the white people that was involved in corruption like bosasa and steynhoff
    No ANC member and cuptas was arrest why as yet….WHY?

    If USA went and fetch Binladin ,why can’t we do the same with the Gupta’s


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