EFF criticises vile actions of SA army deployed to Mozambique

The EFF is calling on government to hold accountable the SA National Defence Force (SANDF) commander deployed to the Mozambique mission after an unnerving video clip of the army surfaced on social media.

In the clip, soldiers are seen hurling the corpses of enemy combatants onto a burning pile of rubble in the armed conflict area of Cabo Delgado.

In a statement on Wednesday, EFF spokesperson Sinawo Thambo said his party condemns the behaviour of the South African soldiers, saying their vile actions were unacceptable.

“The video, which shows bodies being burnt in a pile represents the highest level of insensitivity towards the deceased and violates all international laws regarding conduct during times of conflict,” Thambo said.

“The EFF calls on government to hold the commander of the SANDF battalion deployed to the SADC [Southern African Development Community] mission in Mozambique accountable, and to provide clarity on the identity of the rogue military servicemen of the South African army complicit in the breach of permissible conduct of war and peacekeeping, provided for in the Geneva Convention and Additional Protocols.”

According to Thambo, the government is a signatory to the “international instruments which regulate the conduct of armed conflict”. He added that the EFF will write to the minister responsible for SANDF to ensure that such acts do not go unpunished.

“The South African government is a signatory to these international instruments which regulate the conduct of armed conflict. The protocols protect people who are no longer able to participate in the conflict including the injured and dead enemy forces.

“The EFF will write to the minister seeking information on steps taken by the ministry in this regard and to demand swift action against such brazen stupidity resembling the old SADF Koevoet mercenaries in the border wars of the 80’s.”

Reacting to the incident on Monday, SANDF confirmed that at least one or some members were at the scene “standing around and watching” while an unidentified soldier threw deceased bodies in the burning rubble.

The SANDF has distanced itself, saying that it condemns such a “despicable act”.

“The SANDF does not condone in any way the acts committed in the video and those who are found guilty of such acts will be brought to book,” it said.

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