How will Zuma’s prison sentence affect the Zondo Commission

Johannesburg – Following the judgement handed down by the Constitutional Court yesterday to former South African President, Jacob Zuma, the Zondo inquiry has said that the historic judgement will not stop it from making any findings on Zuma.

Commission chairperson deputy chief justice Raymond Zondo said this while speaking to the media on Wednesday.

“It would have been better to have Mr Zuma appear before the commission and make himself available for questioning until the questions were exhausted,” said Zondo.

“But I am satisfied that in the end, the commission will be in a position to make clear findings based on the evidence it has heard. All the affidavits of witnesses who implicated Mr Zuma have been sent to him. He knows what they have said about or against him. He chose to keep quiet and not deny or admit,” Zondo further said.

“He had a chance to challenge that evidence and apply for leave to cross-examine them,” Zondo went on. So the commission will make its findings based on the numerous witnesses it has heard. I do not even know, if Mr Zuma did come under compulsion, how much of help he would have been,” Zondo further stated.

The commission was granted a 3-month extension to complete its work and has been ordered to have the commission wrapped up by September.

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