Bundles of joy usher in new chapter for the Brinks and Morules

Actor Clint Brink and his wife Steffion have welcomed their baby girl.

Brink said the lovebirds had prayed so hard for a child, adding that the Lord finally heard their requests.

“Welcome to the new chapter in the lives of #TheBrinks, with baby Arielle being the product and centre of our love for one another and God,” he wrote.

“The sacred prayer of a God-ordained marriage.”

Khuli Chana and Lamiez Holworthy-Morule also shared that they had welcomed their son, Pumpkin, a month ago.

Khuli took to social media to share his excitement about welcoming their son, sharing a picture of Lamiez and the baby at a restaurant. 

Lamiez reminisced about the day she gave birth and how scared her husband was.

“We both hadn’t slept in anticipation. This would be the last time we sat in his nursery without him,” she wrote.

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