Keitumetse Lebaka elevated to film commission’s top post

The Gauteng Film Commission (GFC) on Thursday announced that it has appointed Keitumetse Lebaka as its new CEO.

Lebaka, who has been acting in the role for the past two years, said she was ready to contribute more towards the arts and creative industry. Lebaka has held various high-profile positions and in 2019 was revealed as one of two CEOs recognised at the Future of HR by President Cyril Ramaphosa.

“I’m blessed to have had my work speak for itself and I’d like to contribute more towards the creative industry, ensuring continuous development and sustainability of the Gauteng film economy further than the 20 years the GFC has just turned.

“While I haven’t been with the agency for that long, having the title be made official is an incredible feeling. I look forward to expanding our centralised industry intelligence hub,” said Lebaka.

Busisiwe Mhaga, the chairperson of GFC, expressed joy following Lebaka’s appointment.

Mhaga shared: “After a diligent and rigorous process undertaken by the board, Keitumetse has been deemed the most qualified and suitable candidate for the CEO role at GFC. We are excited about the new path the organisation will be embarking on with Keitumetse at the helm.”

Lebaka’s appointment follows the announcement of the GFC’s inaugural Discover Summit that will take place from October 18-20.

The event is set to revolutionise the local film industry, empower current and promising filmmakers while positioning Gauteng as a global film destination of choice.

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