Makhene’s GBV case takes a turn

The gender-based violence  case involving popular actress Letoya Makhene and her baby daddy Tshepo Leeuw has taken a dramatic twist.

Leeuw, who broke up with Makhene a few years ago, alleged that the thespian’s wife, Lebo Keswa, assaulted him outside his house in Glenvista, south of Joburg, on June 5 after an argument over groceries he had bought for his child.

Leeuw’s version of events contradicts Keswa and Makhene’s much-publicised version that Leeuw and his family assaulted them when the  two lovebirds rejected the groceries.

Leeuw has since laid a complaint of assault at the Mondeor police station against Keswa, who later  made a counter complaint of assault against him. Keswa and Leeuw were both arrested and released on bail.

Keswa will appear in the Johannesburg magistrate’s court on Wednesday, while Leeuw will appear in the same court on Friday .

News that Leeuw was allegedly assaulted by Keswa was revealed by a police officer who is privy to the case.  “We just want to correct midweek reports, which created the impression that those two women were assaulted by this guy, and they did not do anything to him.”

In a police statement, which we have seen, the police said Makhene went to Leeuw’s house to pick up their child  who  had spent the weekend with him.

They said Leeuw walked the child to the actress’s vehicle while carrying food in a plastic bag.  They said Keswa  muttered something about the grocery bag. “The mother (Makhene) came with a bag and threw it back at the complaint (sic).”

Makhene and Keswa told Sunday World this week they were attacked and assaulted by Leeuw and his family. Keswa alleged she was punched several times by Leeuw, who was allegedly egged on by his family. The two also alleged that Leeuw and his family members wanted to hack Keswa with an axe.

Leeuw couldn’t be reached for comment yesterday.

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