Mpangase brings the heat on ‘The Wife’ as Sambulo’s new lover

Lungelo Mpangase, who made her debut on the television screens on eHostela, will raise the heat on Showmax’s The Wife as Sambulo’s new love interest Xoli.

In the previous seasons, viewers were not entirely pleased with how the storylines unfolded. But this time around, the producers promised to bring it closer to the book.

The readers of the book, which The Wife is based on, will know that Sambulo’s lover was Xolile. While he was in hiding, Xoli comes into his life, as he goes through some changes, and everyone wonders who this new person he has evolved into.

Speaking to Sunday World, Mpangase said with Sambulo getting involved with Xoli, he is now more open and expressive, and feels more like a man.

“Xoli is a very free-spirited person, she believes in her own rules and knows the power that she has. She’s not your typical submissive Zulu girl, but lives by her own rules and is very free sexually, hence she knows the power she has with her body,” said Mpangase.

The Mnambithi-born actress said Xoli relates with all the other wives based on her character. She is not stuck up, but is kind of a tomboy in a sexy way.

“The difference between Xoli and Lungelo is that I personally am a ‘girly girl’ and Xoli is brave and intelligent. Xoli does things that I don’t think I would even dream of doing, she’s brave and out there, meanwhile Lungelo is an introvert.”

Mpangase said she had to entirely free herself of her own personality to play Xoli, and not take bits and pieces of herself into the new character.

“If there was a bit of me there, I wasn’t going to be true to my performance, because I would have some doubts and ask myself if I’m doing the right thing. For me, that was one of the challenges that I have had with playing Xoli.”

Also Read: Stoan Seate joins The Wife

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