Thandiswa Mazwai heals traumas through her new music

Versatile South African award-winning musician Thandiswa Mazwai, who composes songs inspired by traditional Xhosa music, mbaqanga, funk, jazz, and reggae, has a new album in the works for her fans.

Mazwai, affectionately known as King Tha by her supporters, released the long-awaited single kulungile.

Dedicated to healing past traumas

The 48-year-old songstress said the single is about healing some of the traumas that people experience as children. Kulungile is the first single off my upcoming album Sankofa.

“Many of us have faced rejection and abandonment, sexual violence. This song is for that child within that seeks justice, comfort and healing.

“This is my story and the story of so many of us who walk around with wounds from our childhoods,” she said.

At the beginning of the song there’s umrhubhe, which Mazwai sampled from old recordings. Umrhubhe is a traditional mouth bow played by the Xhosa people of the Eastern Cape. It is played by drawing a straight stick across the string of the bow whilst using your mouth as a resonator.

Special traditional instrument

“The Xhosa umrhubhe mouth bow with whistling is the instrument you hear at the beginning of the song. It was sampled from field recordings of Xhosa music that we got from the International Library of African Music (I.L.A.M.). The library is housed at Rhodes University in Grahamstown, South Africa,” she shared.

The Zabalaza hit maker, who has been in the South African music industry for 30 years, said the love she received after the TinyDesk performance recently is incredibly affirming.

TinyDesk was one of those dreams that came true for me and my fans. It was actually very hard preparing for such a small crowd. But I’m glad my team and I managed to do it. I loved the lovely intimacy about it and how the team was incredibly welcoming.”

Additionally, Mazwai admitted to feeling nervous before her TinyDesk performance.

“I was nervous. I’m actually very nervous about every gig. It’s a feeling of surrendering to the gift that allows you to transition. Nerves are a part of transitioning into the sonic healer, so that will always exist.”

Humbled by the love from fans all over the world

Mazwai said she has received messages from all over the world. They tell her how people feel about the sound and the general energy of our performance.

“I am humbled by everyone’s kind words and I look forward to sharing more music with you.”

About the album, Mazwai said, “Sankofa in the Ghanaian language Twi, means to go back and fetch what’s left behind. What is important, what honors you, and what needs healing.”

“The album is coming out on the 10th of May 2024. And on the 11th of May, we will be having a show at Carnival City to celebrate the album launch and 20 years of Zabalaza.”

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