Ex-adult entertainment star denies being cash-strapped

Former This Body Works For Me star Samke Nkwanyana has told her fans tot to worry about her because she is fine.

The former adult entertainment star also insists that she is not experiencing any cash-flow problems. She said she is relocating to Cape Town because she wants to.

This comes after Samke left some fans puzzled on Sunday when she posted that she is in need of funds to buy a travel ticket to Cape Town, where she wishes to relocate.

Selling off her belongings

She told her fans that she was selling some of her household contents. These include her bed, which she was selling for R2,000, and other household items. She was selling them in order to afford a bus ticket to Cape Town for a sales agent post-interview.

However, Samke changed tune when Sunday World called her on Sunday. She insisted that she is okay and doesn’t need any form of help.

“I am okay, thank you for asking,” she said. She added that she managed to sell some of her contents, which she had put up for sale.

When asked if she has already moved to Cape Town, she said: “I would like to keep that to myself. Thank you.”

She added that she was relocating because she wanted to. 

“I literally don’t care about people. If they have any misunderstandings, that is up to them. I posted what I posted and that’s all. And I have moved away from that post. I am good,“ she said.

She denies being broke

“Thank you for asking how I am doing. I am okay and that is all,” she added.

Samke has been a topic of interest about her involvement in the adult entertainment industry. 

This after she appeared on the popular adult content reality television show This Body Works For Me two years ago. 

She has since left the show following a couple of damning appearances on podcasts and altercations on X. On these platforms, she exposed her mother for allegedly forcing her into prostitution. She accused her mother of exposing her to an inappropriate lifestyle from an early age.

Samke was a popular adult site Only Fans model for years. This was before she joined the cast of This Body Works For Me alongside popular porn stars Xoli Mfeka and Wandi Ndlovu.

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