Unsung Heroes 2025

I am not on drugs: Lwah Ndlunkulu blasts cyberbullies

Singer Lwah Ndlunkulu has slammed social media trolls for repeatedly body-shaming her.

Lwah, whose real name is Lwandile Mtshali, took to Facebook to vent her frustration at people who constantly comment on her weight and assume that she is thin because she smokes marijuana.

“People need to respect that a person’s body changes as they grow, and people’s bodies develop differently,” she wrote on Facebook.

“You guys do not know the challenges that I am facing, but I can assure you that I am not on drugs.”

‘I get insults every day’

She added that despite her efforts to be flawless, people are unsatisfied and continue to ridicule her with disparaging remarks.

“I hate my body as it is, and I wear baggy clothes to try and hide what you keep bashing me about, but you still find the need to comment on my body.

“Maybe it would be better if you guys told me what type of person you want me to be and dress up like, but instead I get insults every day about my weight.

“I know I have a flat bum and I am skinny, but what must I do about it?”

Lwah had recently posted a picture of herself together with Mthandeni whilst they were performing over the weekend.

Some of the comments made by Facebook users were:

“Uma utshela uMthandeni owaqopha naye umlando uthini yena noma usehamba nezitufua oMawhoo (If you tell Mthandeni who you made history with what does he say or is he now with chubby girls like Mawhoo?),” wrote Nthuthuko Zibula 

“Sengibonile ugqokisa okeNigga.( Now i see you dress like a nigga),” said Igcokama likaMweli.

“Hambe (go to) rehab,” said Sboh Tower Meloh.

Actress Sihle Ndaba was furious in 2023 after posting a video on TikTok, where users commented on how underweight she appeared and suggested that she would die soon.

‘I do not like responding to nonsense’

Ndaba, a former actress from Scandal!, refused to back down from the bullies on social media. In a follow-up video, she retaliated, expressing her disgust at their remarks.

“I do not like responding to nonsense, but there seems to be a tendency towards over-familiarity,” she said at the time.

“First of all, when I posted that video, which you can go and refer to, it was just a joke because I wanted to have fun and interact with you guys.

“But comments such as this one saying I am dying soon are unacceptable. I believe we are taught and know better than what we are doing right now.

Also Read: I don’t respond to nonsense, Sihle Ndaba tells social media bullies

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