Kaya FM boss in the firing line

Kaya FM managing director Greg Maloka has taken a leave of absence following allegations of abuse of power, financial and sexual misconduct.

The complaint, authored by a whistleblower/s, was directed to Thebe Investment Corporation (the firm owns Kaya FM) CEO Sizwe Mncwango demanding that the claims against Maloka and his team be investigated by the board.

Mncwango, who also serves as Kaya FM’s board chairperson, said the company has received a letter from a whistleblower and “we are investigating its content”. “After a constructive discussion with the board, Maloka has volunteered to take leave of absence to allow for a smooth and an uninterrupted internal process to allow the investigation to run its full course,” Mncwango said.

He added: “In Maloka’s absence, Kaya FM’s COO Linda Reddy will act as managing director. “The board will engage with management, staff and Kaya stakeholders as and when required.” In the letter, the whistleblower alleged that Maloka and the station’s financial director Trevor Mwale had been abusing the company’s credit cards and funds by undertaking overseas trips to countries like Rwanda to attend to their personal business interests.

The board was also urged to investigate all trade exchange contracts signed by Kaya FM, with allegations that Maloka had been signing deals to benefit his friends, while there was no benefit to the station. The whistleblower also said Maloka had been victimising female staff members who refused to give him sexual favours and that those who agreed to his advances were rewarded with promotions and unjustified bonuses.

“The most senior at this organisation have not only failed in their duties and responsibilities to employees, clients and shareholders but have also worked to deliberately deceive and mislead the board to escape consequence,” said the whistleblower.

Other allegations against Maloka and his executive team included that he had a romantic relationship with one of his staff members in the marketing division, and the whistleblower said the relationship was affecting their professional relationship as well as other staff members. Maloka confirmed knowledge of the complaint but said he could not comment as the board was dealing with the matter.


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