Overdressed there, leadership, weren’t we? 

Overdressed there, leadership, weren’t we? 

Leader of the Patriotic Alliance Gayton McKenzie sashayed into the voting booth draped in his party’s regalia. This bold move left Shwa and the general public in a tizzy.  

While voters can strut their stuff at the voting booth in party apparel, party agents and candidates must adopt a new line of invisible haute couture within voting station boundaries, according to the IEC rules. In other words, party agents and candidates can’t rock their political swag when they are voting or anywhere near the sacred precincts of democracy.  

McKenzie, however, seemed unperturbed by the fashion police, and he was not about to blend in with the crowd. Some called his move arrogant and a blatant breach of voting decorum, others cheered as the peacock strutted about. 

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