Retired blesser Serge Cabonge stranded in Dubai following floods

Businessman and popular former international blesser, real name Serge Cabonge, has  found himself homeless in the streets of Dubai this week.
This is after the much-publicised floods that hit Diamond Country, and his five-star hotel was flooded.
Cabonge is celebrating his daughter’s birthday, and is expected to be back in the country on Saturday.
Speaking to Sunday World, he said he is still outside the hotel seeking alternative accommodation.
In Dubai for daughter’s birthday
“We celebrated my daughter’s birthday over the weekend… On Tuesday, we woke up to flooding in our hotel rooms… We are safe at the moment… And we are still seeking alternative accommodation.
“As I am talking to you, I am with another UK couple who had booked in the same hotel… We are also waiting for hotel management for guidance.”
Cabonge said he was glad that his family was safe under the circumstances.
“What is important is that my daughter enjoyed her birthday before this mess … It’s all over, including the Mall of Dubai, which is flooded. I will probably be back on Saturday, but I am also told the airport is flooded.
The flooding that has hit the middle east is tipped as the most devastating rainfall experienced since records began 75 years ago.
Videos of the floods shared on social media show cars stuck in water and buildings flooded.
Dubai Mall and Dubai Airport are reportedly some of the worst-hit areas.
Rainfall continues to batter the region
There has been reported loss of life, and rainfall continued on Wednesday morning.
Last year, this paper reported that the Angolan-born, South African-based retired blesser Serge Cabonge blew R60,000 on alcohol.  This happened at Room 130 Bar in Sandton on a mid-week night.

The socialite had seemingly revisited his past by popping champagne with a female friend at the popular nightclub.

The bill, which was settled in full, showed that R37,500 was spent on three bottles of Ace of Spades Brut champagne costing R12,500 each. Two bottles of Moët at R1,700 each were also ordered on the night. Also well as 15 cans of Red Bull.

Known for lavish lifestyle with slay queens

Cabonge told Sunday World that he was celebrating his exoneration. This after he was falsely arrested for reckless and negligent driving in January 2022.

He first came into the spotlight a few years earlier when he confessed to being an international blesser. The socialite said he frequented Dubai hot spots with slay queens. He revealed the salacious tit bits about their shenanigans in Dubai. These included the shocking bedroom antics that they subjected the slay queens to, all for fun.


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