Top actress takes on property developer

Television actress Lerato Mvelase is embroiled in a nasty imbroglio with a giant residential property development company over her refusal to secure a bond for the company’s Joburg house she occupied with the intention to buy.

Galencia Property has now threatened to evict the popular thespian if she does not secure a bond for the property.

The squabble came to the fore when Mvelase’s ally leaked several letters of demand sent to her by Galencia Property’s lawyers, Boshoff Inc, asking her to vacate the property or face eviction.

 In the letters , which we have seen, Boshoff Inc said Mvelase entered into an agreement with Galencia Property in October 2021 to purchase the newly built property at a residential complex in Sandton for more than R2.1-million . They said FNB approved the bond for the actress to purchase her dream home on November 20, 2020.

The lawyers stated that Galencia Property allowed Mvelase to occupy the house from January 2021 after signing a lease agreement to pay an occupational rent of R12 000 a month pending the registration of the property in her name.

They said Mvelase later signed the transfer and bond documents and guarantees of R2 119 000 were issued.

However, they said the company was advised by FNB in December 2021 that considering the age of her bond and the pending hold on the construction of the unit, the instruction was withdrawn and that a new application had to be submitted by her.

In breach of the agreement, they said Mvelase refused to submit a new application for the bond and failed to pay occupational rent.

“Furthermore, in terms of clause 6.1 of the agreement, the sale was subject to you being granted, by a financial institution, a home loan for the full purchase price. First National Bank confirmed on 11 December 2021 that the approval of your home loan application was withdrawn and that you have to submit a new application for approval. Our client and its agents offered, multiple times, to assist you with submitting a new application to some of the major banks for approval in order to fulfil the suspensive condition in terms of the agreement.

“You, however, did not take up the offer, thereby making it impossible for the suspensive condition to be fulfilled. Your failure to submit a new home loan application amounts to a breach of agreement,” reads the letter.

The lawyers said because of Mvelase’s refusal to apply for a loan, Galencia Property cancelled the offer to purchase and ordered her to vacate the property.

Speaking to Sunday World, Mvelase said the delay was first caused by FNB, which wrote her a letter stating that it had put the bond on hold in order to investigate several complaints of alleged poor workmanship in the complex.

“We at FNB, will place a hold on approved deals, which are pending bond registration until we received confirmation of remediation,” reads the letter which she sent us.

She said she decided to pull out of the deal after she identified several structural defects in the unit emanating from poor workmanship.

“But I will talk about the poor treatment we have suffered at the hands of this company at the right time,” she said.


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