Bring back the war 

Bring back the war 

Gone are the days when men used to fight in endless wars and break their backs working to feed and provide for their families. 

Shwa is perturbed by the dramatic shift in male behaviour and the sissies of men in the digital age. 

Thanks to social media platforms, all that men these days do is run their mouths and gossip on social media like women. 

The recent gender wars on popular social media platform TikTok was sad to watch. 

It was shocking to see men gather to defend controversial TikTok influencer Tamara. 

The young lady has been notorious for preaching good women behaviour and outing women for looting men when they bring nothing to the table. 

 Lately, Tamara berated women who have children out of wedlock for being of low value compared to those that maintain the purity until marriage. 

Guess who the biggest defenders were; it was men who have been defending Tamara for two weeks straight. 

These men did not end by just offering their views on women issues; they went as far as “donating” money to Tamara’s bank account for apparently spitting facts. 

What has become of men who cannot stay out of business of women?  

Shwa is of a strong view that too many men are idle, hence the degeneracy in social media platforms of men drowning in women issues. 

Can we as South Africa organise a war, friendly match with Lesotho and eSwatini to keep our men busy.  

Goodness gracious me! 

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