Comrade Kortbroek, where art thou? 

Comrade Kortbroek, where art thou? 

What in the name of the Lord happened to Marthinus van Schalkwyk (pictured)? Ma2000s please sit this one out, cos you won’t have a clue, ok! 

The two-day GNU lekgotla that took place last weekend at the presidential guest house in Pretoria made Moi sentimental, alright. It took me back to the days when there was a New National Party!  

Talk about feeling ancient, hey! Last time the grapevine whispered, it said the former leader of the NNP was serving as a high commissioner somewhere in the bhunduz overseas.  

Boet wreaked havoc in his community when he jumped ship and joined the “enemy”, disbanded the NNP and waltzed into the sunset with the ANC, and bagged the minister of environmental affairs and tourism gig.  

Whew, back in the day things were as fiery as the Nando’s hot sauce. 

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