Ditch the gossip and give us the real stuff 

Ditch the gossip and give us the real stuff 

 Yaz yini, it will be great to see politicians focusing on politicking rather than gossiping this year. Kanti what is politics vele, as it seems like it had been turned into gossip, where this one will say that one did this and that.  

Moi knows that politicians gossip about one another, but hayi ke, can we now have another way forward to deal with politics than slander.  

If it’s not Mbaks gossiping about Magashule and Juju at press briefings, it is the other way around with the CIC throwing his toys out of the cot.  

If these politicians want to serve us spicy hot mgosi, they should start revealing ukuthi who’s rolling with whom in the hay or which leader was found with their pants down. 

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