I am with Hlaudi on this one, fix the potholes, poster boys! 

I am with Hlaudi on this one, fix the potholes, poster boys! 

The adage “a picture is worth a thousand words” does not hold as much weight as “actions speak louder than posters”, Shwa overhead Hlaudi Motsoeneng telling voters. Motsoeneng dropped one of his infamous intellectual bombshells, saying politicians putting up posters during elections is a waste of money.  

He says his African Content Movement party believes that doing actual constituent work trumps plastering your face on every street corner.  

He would be happier, he said, to have voters cast their ballots for him based on his accomplishments and not just his ability to pose for a poster. 

 As it turns out, Shwa agrees with him. Politicians should fix potholes instead of posing next to them. And who says democracy would crumble without a glossy, high-resolution photo of a candidate wearing an unnaturally bright smile at every intersection? 

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