Unsung Heroes 2025

Madjozi secures legacy  

Madjozi secures legacy  

Sho Madjozi made the South Africa X Trends list twice this weekend. First, she appeared after taking the stage at Hey Neighbour Festival and delivering a world class show where she let go of hits such as John Cena and Huku.  

Second, she introduced audiences to songs from her new album due for release in 2024. These included Solo Dolo featuring rapper Scumie. 

For Day 3, Shwa was happy to see H.E.R, who has helped gossip girl go smoothly through the heartbreaks attached to falling in love. 

The show piece was great. This despite the downpour, which the revellers braved. All because the girl delivered a sterling performance, out of this world. 

 Morda was his usual self; danced on the wet stage and gave his signature performance. But one wonders. What happens when one day he slips and falls, and then what? What about your kids, my brother, and your lovely wife? 

Anyway, Shwa must give it to the organisers of the festival, especially because it was the first instalment.  

Despite the steep price, tickets sold like hot cakes. This did not dampen the revellers’ spirit.  

They came in their droves. Shwa is convinced revellers will fork out money for what they love.  

DStv Delicious better watch out because Hey Neighbour is here to give you guys a run for your money. 

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