McBuffalo, Loothuli House dump non-alignment for political expediency

McBuffalo, Loothuli House dump non-alignment for political expediency

The confused bunch at Luthuli House will never cease to amaze Shwashwi.

At the height of the Russian offensive on Ukraine, they’ve been telling everyone who cares to listen that they’re non-aligned – a stance that earned the party of Oliver Tambo respect the world over.

It appears that some animals are more equal than others because this position has suddenly gone out of the window on the conflict going on in the Middle East.

Shwa is convinced the ANC “support” of Palestine on day one of their recent NEC meeting was a badly planned fashion show with that pro- Palestine regalia that every NEC member was clad in whatever way they wished.

What was more embarrassing was the ANC president and our head of state, the nation’s Cupcake, making a U-turn two days later in his weekly newsletter, now seemingly resorting back to non-alignment. Welele!


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