More like a whiff of racism in the air 

More like a whiff of racism in the air 

The Gauteng government has dared to dream a little about a provincial state bank. And while the masses are busy pondering the implications, Wayne Duvenage, the perennial ombudsman of discontent, has taken a whiff and declared, “Something stinks.”  

Sure, establishing a provincial state bank is a monumental task. But Duvenage’s olfactory offence seems to suggest there’s more to it than just the daunting logistics and potential pitfalls.  

Why the skepticism, Wayne? Could it be a deep-seated fear of financial mismanagement by a government filled with melanin?  

His loyalists might argue that it’s not about race but competence. But to assume that a black government-led initiative is doomed from the start might just be the bad odour he’s detecting. 

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