Not quite the GOAT in the cheating game, this Kabza 

Not quite the GOAT in the cheating game, this Kabza 

What on earth is happening to celebs in mjolo mara? Shwa won’t even get started with Kabza de Small trending on social media for allegedly cheating on his wife with an influencer who could not believe that she was sharing a bed with him.  

These girls are clearly new to these things because I mean who records a famous man in that state? Instead of making music and focusing on his business Kabza is messing with slay queen wannabes?  

Clearly the goats he slaughters every week are to cover his infidelity, but the influencer said “not on my watch”. Take it easy on the sphandlas now, Kabza. Give the goats room to breathe; we all know what you did. 

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