Nyiko now the makhulu majingilane at the gate of ubaba kaDuduzane’s compound 

Nyiko now the makhulu majingilane at the gate of ubaba kaDuduzane’s compound 

Shwa has been watching the unceremonious standoff at uMkhonto we Sizwe with keen interest. But for sure what is going on is ugly and resembles a true circus. “Umkhonto ugwazana wodwa” (the spear of the nation is exchanging swords against each other).  

KwaZulu-Natal is carrying the longest and sharpest spear, party secretary-general Floyd Sivambu. I’m told Commander Floyd and his so-called cabal are closing the taps to strategic financial resources, and as such his head should be chopped off. 

The commanders also feel that Floyd stands in their free access to KwaDakwadunuse (Zuma’s ancestral home). Apparently Floyd and Co are calling the shots decide who gets permitted to meet ubaba kaDuduzane.  

Sounds like a Bible verse Shwa once heard in her Sunday school days (that’s how long ago she was last in church): “I’m the way, the truth and the life. No one can come to the father except through me.” 

But from where Shwa is sitting, he sees the Congress of the People (COPE, remember them?) vibes everywhere. Remember, how in their maiden elections they caused all the upsets, eating into the voter base of the ANC, the party from which they split. They garnered several seats in parliament, just like MK Party has done now. However, it was not long before they were at each other’s throats. The rest is history. 

Don’t say Shwa didn’t warn you, commanders. 

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