Seems like there’s no love lost between these exes 

Seems like there’s no love lost between these exes 

It seems the Tom & Jerry fight between celebrity Supersport sports commentator Baba Mthethwa and his ex-wife Kgomotso Koosimile is not going to reach its conclusion soon.

It has been about seven years now since they divorced but they are still at each other’s throats like pitbulls on steroids. 

Mthethwa, who is ageing badly and has more wrinkles than a Simba chippie, has now threatened to unveil his former spouse’s dirty secrets and expose the businesswoman to the Hawks.  

Koosimile as well says Mthethwa ran away with her loot. As for the childish name calling, it really feels like watching a high school romance drama. Ho thaaaaaaaaaaaaata banna! 

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