Shwa still on a mission to net a football hunkÂ
On a random Tuesday afternoon Shwa remembered that it was the Uefa Champions League night, so being the hot lass that she is, she got an invitation from Heineken. So now imagine, the football, drinks and food while watching it on a screen made up of phones at Hyde Park Mall, just up the road from where Julius Malema and Cyril Ramaphosa live. Â
Well then, I joined the gang in Hyde Park and there we were sitting at a restaurant, networking and going to the screen every now and then to check the score. I was really hoping I would see a lot of football stars there to actually watch the game but perhaps they opted to watch from the comfort of their homes with their families. Â
Shwa must remind you that she is on a mission to get herself a man this year and the hunt ainât smooth sailing at all. Perhaps sheâs too picky, hence she is struggling, but attending these gigs things will cast the net wider and her catch a football legend who is single out there. Â
But Shwa keeps bumping into Teko Modise and he has no idea whether it is a sign or what. Teko, what is your current marital status because, wow, Shwa might as well just settle for you. Heard things are a bit rocky with the missus. Â
I do not know whether Fresh by Caddy was on a date or was watching the game with the rest of us. I never imagined him to be a soccer fan. Caddy, do spill the beans to Shwa, are you moving from Y to somewhere else because you are a damn good radio personality. Â
Shwa also spotted Oscar Mbo all dressed up and interacting with the other fans watching the game. If there should be anyone who keeps raking in awards for the best-dressed or styled artist, it is always going to be you, Mbo, until others learn a thing or two from you. Â
Gaisang Noge was also there, and it looks like she is serious about this soccer or sports influencing what she is doing. Â
Must say the glow from baby girl is out of this world. She is growing right in front of us. Gaisang, I hope your dad is proud of the actress that you have become, it is not easy following in your parents footsteps and excelling.Â