Shwashwi: A tough Act to follow for the madam in blue 

A tough Act to follow for the madam in blue 

Shwa’s favourite political drama queen and the DA’s grand dame, Helen Zille, has taken it upon herself to challenge the new Expropriation Act, claiming it’s unconstitutional.  

Zille and her DA crew stormed into the Western Cape High Court the other day, filing papers to halt the act they say is akin to reverse racism.  

Yes, the madam has opened her history book, drawing incomprehensible comparisons between the democratic government and the land-grabbing thieves who led the apartheid regime.  

Are we really still on this? What’s the real deal here, though?  

The madam is waving the challenge around like a magic wand, aiming to nullify the act.  

She’s not just opposing the paperwork but the whole enchilada, claiming it’s just the ANC trying to sneak in more expropriation powers without compensation. But ain’t that what transformation is about?  

She’s making it all sound like the ANC is trying to pull a fast one but isn’t that what they were voted in to do – to shake things up a bit? 

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