Shwashwi: Gwaza mkhonto ka baba, gwaza! 

Gwaza mkhonto ka baba, gwaza! 

On the political front, I’m told everyone deployed to the KwaZulu-Natal provincial legislature is in panic mode after what MK Party did to its 18 MPs in the National Assembly who are now jobless.  

Must be tough from a thousandaire to earning close to R100 000 a month and suddenly finding themselves jobless. Shwa got it on good authority that comrades are having sleepless night fearing the wrath of uBaba that they might face the same fate as their comrades in parly.  

The only advice I can give is always be ready, the old man can be unpredictable.  

Look now he has just hooked himself Floyd Shivambu. Shwa cannot wait to see the magic the ex-EFF man will work on baba’s party. Sorry, Juju, it must have been a bitter pill to swallow. 

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