Shwashwi: Magudumana’s last-minute prayers down the drain

Sometimes God answers last-minute prayers, however, it was not to be when Nandipha Magudumana appeared in court on Monday.

Magudumana, who was hoping for a last-minute miracle in court, now knows that you cannot fool God, even Shwa knows that.

Unlike Shwa, Magudumana made sure that she did not look like her problems. Baby girl rocked a ruby-woo lipstick, styled her braids, and rocked her Nike brand as usual.

It was clear to gossip girl and many others that the baby girl was convinced she was heading home to his family and children.

Shwa is certain that while waiting for the verdict, she was praying to God to make it possible for her to be set free, so she could come up with another plan to help Thabo Bester get out of prison … again.

This because she believes that the convicted rapist and murderer “is a changed man”.

While sitting in the dock, she pretended to be in deep conversation with God, and is probably furious that all that acting and weeping came to naught.

Also, who is this so-called friend who was willing to accommodate her at their home in Sandton?

People come here and act holier than thou but are willing to accommodate a woman accused of so many crimes, some gruesome.

Why did she not opt to go back home to her family members, being in Joburg would have not been safe for her? 

Magudumana, next time you get up to your bad deeds always keep in mind that no deed goes unpunished, judgement day is always around the corner.

Chin up sweetheart and fill Shwa in on the prison gossip, I’m pretty sure you’re now used to life in there.


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