Shwashwi: Raining parties in Joburg … I love it!

Johannesburg – It is a battle of parties out there and am loving it! And it is my social responsibility to bring you guys hot gossip.

This week, I found myself chilling with some of the coolest people in Johannesburg gathered at the tallest building in Africa, the Leonardo, for the launch of, a digital retail store.

Let me educate you, is a platform to sell Africa’s fashion and art to the world. It was all about beautiful things … made by Africa and delivered globally.

According to the founder, Sam Mensah, they are not only making it easy for consumers around the world to shop from fashion designers and artists across Africa, but also making it straightforward for creatives to manage the payments and logistics functions necessary to complete an e-commerce.

Sam Mensah, founder of

To be honest, if I knew this party would turn into a business seminar, I would have stayed at home and drink my box of wine with hot wings.

The party had nice unknown people, the bar was amazingly packed, am sure singer Amstel would have felt at home.

Still on Amstel, I must say am enjoying your new song doll, I can’t wait for the full album.


MC was the snow queen who also happens to be my favourite personality, Azania Mosaka, who was styled by fashion icon Felipe Mazibuko.

Azania Mosaka.

Savita Mbuli, whose company put together this nice event, looked stunning in an African print dress with nude red bottoms.

This woman could have been the first lady, that’s how elegant she is.

From there I rushed to Emoyeni, where SABC1 launched the South African version of Ugly Betty called uBethina Wethu.

I don’t know who came up with such a title, as I thought creatives are paid to come up with fresh ideas.

You could have just called it sister Bettina, once.

It’s been a while since I have seen so many rich people in one venue, Khanyi Mbau would have felt at home.

Khanyi Mbau

Judging by the overflowing bar and expensive dinner, I doubt SABC was involved, unless they are lying about their financial crisis.

People were dressed to the nines and food was enough to open a container at a taxi rank.

Actor Zweli, who is also a cast member, looked clownish in a check-suit, while DJ Spectacula looked like one of Bushiri security guards in charge of church collection.

Still on DJ Sphe, you and Naves are always the mood of the party, keep up the good work. We got to meet the cast and crew, who were excited about their upcoming show.

Comedian Coconut Kelz looked like she was reliving matric days, looking like a prom queen. Why were so many old people?

I was even scared to drink out of respect for the elders.

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