Sushi King jester drops ball on global stage

Sushi King jester drops ball on global stage

While the whole of SA is largely in support of the occupied Palestine in its conflict with imperialist Israel, the PA “stands with Israel”.

Shwa was on the floor laughing hearing Kunene calling for the “hunting down” of Hamas, the freedom fighters for Palestine, calling them terrorists and comparing them to Al Qaeda.

Understanding that he who pays the piper calls the shots, but it would do these halfwits well to at least read the room.

Mr Kunene, yes you who wants to be Gauteng premier, remember that freedom fighters in your very country who fought apartheid were branded terrorists.

You can take money from Israel funders like the blue party if you want, but you do not have to make yourself a dimwit. Shwa thought you left your clowning antics during your ZAR night club sushi-eating days.

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