Toothpick winning war of military fatigues against Cupcake 

Toothpick winning war of military fatigues against Cupcake 

Shwa was besides herself and in stitches when the news reached her that some toothpick named Paul Kagame was threatening Mzansi regarding our rather embarrassing entanglement in eastern DRC.  

She just couldn’t imagine how tiny Rwanda would genuinely pose a threat to us. But reality soon hit home and your ever gorgeous gossip gal had to gingerly pick herself up from the floor and muster some balance on her killer stilettos and gather herslef towards herself. 

What burst the bubble, you may wonder. Well, let me let you in on it. Pictures of Kagame in military fatigues flashed past her mental eye. She remembered just how the Toothpick looked the part in uniform and was really menacing. 

Then the mental flashback took her back to our own Buffalo in military uniform, chalk and cheese. To refresh your mind, some genius thought it a great idea to deliver SANDF fatigues to the Union Buildings for Cupcake to wear to an inspection of the soldiers that were to be deployed for the Covid-19 lockdown in 2020. But someone had omitted to take proper measurements of Number 1, and as a result the uniform looked a tad big-sized for him. Remember that? 

Now, tell Shwa, don’t the threats made by the Toothpick now sound scary? Buffalo and his pigeon trot inspire no confidence.  

And to make matters worse, our minister of defence is Angie Motshekga in all her grade R teacher splendour. 

Someone bring Shwa her favourite drink… on the rocks, before she faints! 

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