Unlike Bafana, Boks just know the mandate

Unlike Bafana, Boks just know the mandate

There was pandemonium at the OR Tambo International Airport when the victorious Springboks arrived from their 2023 Rugby World Cup exploits with the Webb Ellis trophy.

There was no space to move, everyone had been singing, dancing, and celebrating from the early hours of Tuesday morning. When the players finally emerged, all hell broke loose. The stocky but tough Bongi Mbonambi, who was injured in the second minute in the
final, stepped out a rejuvenated man as he hoisted the gold-plated Webb Ellis trophy with a huge cry of victory.

Despite the clear injury in his right leg, which was wrapped in a bandage around his knee, he broke into the Eddie Guererro dance to send the already elated crowd into a frenzy.

The dimunitive and yet muscular Cheslin Kolbe, who showed us that Bravehearts do cry when he sobbed on the bench after he was yellow-carded in the final match with  five minutes to go, was in his element upon arrival in Mzansi. He grabbed the trophy, ran into the crowd outside and did a jiggy or two. The rest of the Boks just didn’t know what to do with themselves when thousands cheered and screamed their names.

Can Bafana Bafana please learn a thing or two from the rugby boys? The Boks gents are focused and have it all under control. Shwa is certain that Boks know the mandate ahead of any World Cup. Perhaps Bafana lack a bit of that discipline, and maybe patriotism too.

Bathong, and why were the people of South Africa mad at cupcake? A little birdie told Shwa that the president had indirectly promised a holiday in the event that the Boks won the World Cup. As soon as cupcake lifted the Webb Ellis,  South Africans were already reminding him about the holiday. Year-end fatigue is kicking us all, I see… mara he has given us the holiday, but it’s in Dezemba – December 15 to be precise – where it matters the most. Anyway, did you see cupcake’s face when he lifted the cup? So nunus! He resembled a kid in a candy shop.

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