Thando spreads her love

Former 5FM presenter and actress Thando Thabethe has redirected her energy
from her battle with her former employer to helping more than 500 homeless people during the nationwide lockdown.

Alongside Booth Fest Foundation, Thabooty, as she is popularly known, sprung into action to tackle an age-old challenge.

“This is nothing new in Africa and, with the focus all being on Covid-19, we decided to remember the basics that people may not have,” she said.

Thabethe has had extra time on her hands since her recent resignation from 5FM and the halt of Mzansi Magic drama series Housekeepers.

“The idea is to feed as many people as possible,” Thabethe explained.

“So far we have managed to do about 500 people. We have, however, realised that creating food packs would last longer for each family and perhaps keep them going past lockdown.”

Thabethe also confirmed that she was working on a podcast for TV and radio, set to launch on April 10 with a no-holds-barred interview with Rami “T-Gom” Chuene, a talented actress who also speaks out on the rights of performing artists.

“I have a podcast TV&R which was meant to launch in March but had to be moved forward. We are looking at possibly doing a lockdown edition,” said Thabethe, who also starred in
Generations: The Legacy.


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