Ways to manage ‘New Year, New You’ anxiety

Johannesburg – Anxiety is never a pleasant feeling.

Between the stress and time commitments around the holidays, and the added pressure to have the year ahead planned, to make it our ‘best year ever!’ it’s no wonder that so many of us feel anxious when thinking of the year ahead.

Worried about the new year?

Tired of the endless ‘New Year, New You’ messaging?

Here are our tips to help you feel less anxious:

Ditch resolutions and plan mindfully

There is so much pressure to turn the start of a new year into the start of, well, a new you, that it can feel overwhelming, we can all attest to this.

But do we really need to set all these overwhelming goals such as; fitness goals, overhauling our diets, banning chocolate and alcohol just to make the upcoming year the #LivingMyBestLife everyone else seems to be doing on social media?

Let your new year resolution be: to be real and authentic. Instead of feeling guilty or pressured into making big lifestyle changes for the new year, a healthy alternative can be to ask yourself what you really need, want, or would benefit from.

Making small, sustainable changes can be more motivating and can act as a catalyst for bigger changes we want to see in ourselves.

New Year resolutions. Image: Pexels

Selective commitment

Overcommitment can be overwhelming. shorten your list of commitments by prioritising your goals. Set realistic goals, increase your self-awareness, create personal challenges, and evaluate the changes you are trying to make.

Just do it, tomorrow could be never

Ditch procrastination, start today. You don’t need to wait until a specific time of year to start making the changes you want to see in your life. The time when the idea comes to your mind is the time to get on with it.

Ditch Procrastination and do it now. Image: Pexels


Set healthy, and sustainable boundaries to shape your focus, career, and goals. Be mindful of who you let in and when.

Take care of your mind and body

New year anxiety may take its toll on you, all you need to do is focus on putting yourself first.


Take care of your mind and body. Image: Pexels

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