Skeem Saam actress shares details of near death experience during birth of her child

Johannesburg- Skeem Saam actress Pebetsi Nolo Matlaila has recently shared details on the near to death experience she had when she gave birth to her baby girl.

The Skeem Saam actress gave birth to her child early last year and shared how she nearly died when she was giving birth.

Taking to her social media Pebesti shared photos and videos of the after-effects of her traumatic experience and what her baby girl looked like after she gave birth.

“They say the birth of a child changes your life… Well the birth of my last born child QHAWEKAZI was the rebirth of me. Today marks the end of her 9 months, starting double digits tomorrow. Now that I have taken enough time to take stock, collect info and data of what transpired on that day, I can share my Testimony.”

“Most may know of my near-death experience when delivering baby Q (I never shy away from sharing to whoever willing to listen, about the precious Mercy of God and divine intervention on that day).”

“How I drove myself to the hospital, experiencing minor labor pains, got admitted into to the maternity ward, got settled and checked, only to be told after check-up that my blood pressure was extremely high and may cause fatality between me and the unborn child.”

“That time I was cool and calm as a cucumber. While waiting on my Obstetrician, I was informed that the baby was in distress and we needed to go into the theater immediately. All I remember was using the little strength I had left, grabbing the hem of a nurse scrub, and miming the words ” I CANT BREATH “———— LIGHTS OUT.”

“I woke up to the sound of my baby crying and I thought, well that was quick.
To My Surprise, the Doctors and Nurses around me were frantic and checking me, pipes were pushed into my mouth, drips placed and my Dr uttering the words, “NOLO WE NEARLY LOST U”.”

“I am told my heart and lungs collapsed after I had fits (where I almost bit off my tongue) due to the High -Blood pressure ( Pre-eclampsia). Apparently, I was dead for 3 minutes but resuscitated with those electric square things a. My daughter was apparently born blue with no oxygen in her brain.”

“The above pictures are recordings of our recovery. We spent a month in hospital in ICU. Baby Q was undergoing various tests on her brain, draining liquids out of her lungs and on multiple drips, while I was on oxygen masks, multiple medications, and most embarrassing a catheter because I couldn’t walk to the toilet for a couple of days,” she wrote.

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