Lasizwe collaborates with Bathu footwear to celebrate pride month

Pride Month, celebrated in October in South Africa, is a time to acknowledge the progress made in promoting LGBTQI+ rights. Pride Month also looks at the LGBTQI+ group’s ongoing struggle for equality, and advocacy for a world where every individual can live authentically, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

Media personality Lasizwe Dambuza has collaborated with sneaker brand Bathu to celebrate this year’s Pride Month in style. Speaking to Sunday World, Lasizwe said the LGBTQI+ community has always been raising issues, doing amazing things, especially fighting for inclusion and diversity.

“I invited some of my friends to celebrate Pride Month because we have certain struggles and are not included in certain things. People think when you are part of the LGBTQI+ group you are a prop or a toy. I wanted to make my friends and industry colleagues feel included,” said Lasizwe.

He said he does not feel that the LGBTQI+ community is celebrated enough in Africa and South Africa.

“The fact that online we have created a thing of trolling the community when we are supposed to be uniting, understanding, and learning more about the LGBTQI+ community [is a concern].”

Lasizwe has partnered with Bathu for some years now, and he said he feels that his journey with the brand has included the LGBTQI+ community, and also shows that there is diversity.

last month during the DStv Content Creator Awards, Lasizwe flaunted his behind, and people assumed he underwent a failed Brazillian But* Lift (BBL) surgery. when asked if he had undergone the procedure he was shocked.

The YouTuber has always been known for pushing the envelope when it comes to his outfits. 

“My fashion sense is a versatile one. I’m inspired by the Hetro community fashion sense, and also the LGBTQI+ fashion sense. I love just taking everything together, being versatile and unpredictable. It is the same with my career, when I got into the industry people did not know what I was doing, because there was only traditional media.”

He added that he did not steal former American Vine star Jay Versace’s content as he was accused of doing so in 2018, but he was rather inspired by him.

“I was actually not stealing but inspired by what I saw that was not happening in the continent. I wish Jay Versace had embraced me and said he was glad I was doing what is being done overseas.”

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