Mission to save girls from begging for good life

Television host Refilwe Lesaoana is currently busy with her “Raise Your Standards Girl”  initiative where she gives young girls life, business skills, and health-related issues. 

The mother of two girls said the initiative is very close to her heart as it teaches her children the right ways to a good life.

“I want my children to live a good life instead of being serial beggars to men. The initiative is dedicated to decreasing poverty in South Africa. A rollout plan is also going to be inclusive to Africa as a whole.” 

She said helping girls and young women to achieve their potential is one of the many pathways to breaking the cycle of poverty.

She noted how social media has taken over to influence how young women think. Lesaoana said it has done a bad job in making girls think working hard is not a priority.

“Social media is promoting a perfect life which is all a lie. I don’t like how it is promoting a soft life situation where girls think having someone to bless their lives is the way to go.

“I would like to change this narrative by getting mentors for these young girls by teaching them life skills. They need to know what their talent is and stop having imposter syndrome.”

Lesaoana said  these challenges can be overcome by reminding women that it is important not to be a serial beggar. Se added that they need to work with what they have to better themselves.

Her journey in the world of media was guided by the mentorship of the iconic Rosie Motene. Her ambitions have extend beyond the screen. With a background in journalism, she is arming herself with the tools to produce cutting-edge current affairs content, lifestyle shows and captivating books.

Big plans for company

All of these endeavours fall under the purview of Stage OnPage Media, a media company she heads.

“I am currently working on my first television show, which is a lifestyle, religious and financial show. I will also be working on another show where I will be spending time with the wives of the statesmen in Africa.

“It will be very exciting because we will get to see each country through the eyes of the first lady of a country.” 

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