Preparing lunch boxes made easy

The trick is that before enjoying the festive season you need to make sure that anything involving back-to-school is sorted. However, most people forget the everyday lunch box that needs to be given a priority.

Chef Oageng Phofedi asserts that while “mistakes might happen, there is always a way out. Easy-to-prepare lunch boxes for scholars are the answer.”

Phofedi says while everyone prepares to get back to classes, lunch boxes do not need to cost an arm and a leg, especially during the month that is believed to be longer than others.

“These types of snack products are easy to find from local suppliers or supermarkets. They are healthy and easy to prepare.

“The kids love to share meals and gloat about their lunch boxes,” says Phofedi.

The weekday lunch box plans can also be planned around food available at home. Making chicken mayo and nuggets from leftover chicken is great.

“Kids love a fresh and tasty lunch so the items listed can really remain fresh when they are stored and packed correctly. Parents need to get the
correct lunch tins with dividers and try to avoid contamination or messy lunches. Remember wipes and sanitisers,” says Phofedi.


Here are five ideas for school lunches for this month:


  • Sliced oranges
  • Cheese, lettuce and tomato wrap
  • Juice and water
  • Packet of chips



  • Chicken mayo sandwich
  • Watermelon cubes
  • Crackers
  • Water
  • Flavoured milk drink



  • Blueberry waffles
  • Fresh berries
  • Snack cheese
  • Syrup
  • Water



  • Chicken nuggets
  • Boiled eggs peeled and cut
  • Yoghurt
  • Fruit slices
  • Juice and water



  • Mini pizzas
  • Diced mango
  • Cheese fingers and dip
  • Iced tea
  • Water


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