Nompondo faces the axe in Free State leadership race

The knives are out for Free State ANC interim provincial committee (IPC) co-ordinator Paseka Nompondo as the province prepares to elect new leaders in the runup to party’s elective conference in December.

Sunday World has established that the committee, which replaced the provincial executive committee dominated by suspended ANC secretary-general Ace Magashule, is divided between supporters of the former Free State premier and President Cyril Ramaphosa.

When Ramaphosa and his allies disbanded the PEC in May last year, they extended an olive branch to leaders including Nompondo, who is a known protégé of Magashule. Nompondo would be selected as the convenor of the IPC, along with Mxolisi Dukwana as convenor.

Since the deployment of Dukwana as MEC for co-operative governance and traditional affairs in October, divisions have rocked the IPC.

Ramaphosa’s supporters see Nompondo as a threat and believe his position as co-ordinator gives him the advantage to be provincial chairperson when the ANC convenes its elective conference. They also allege that a Nompondo chairmanship could see Magashule wrestling back control of the Free State, turning it into one of the strong bases of the radical economic transformation (RET) faction.

ANC insiders say Nompondo is aware of the hostile moves against him.

“Paseka has full knowledge that he is being hounded and he is fighting back. The IPC is divided into two factions, which is CR and RET. There is a power tussle that is aiming to create more divisions within the province before the provincial conference,” a source said.

Another IPC member said Nompondo is always on the ground doing the job of the movement and this enables him to gather much needed support within the ANC branches in the province.

Sunday World understands the ANC wants the IPC to be disbanded before the conference, which could block Nompondo’s take over.

“Once the IPC is disbanded, Paseka will not have a way to mobilise branches. Mxolisi could be used as collateral damage to save the ANC from going back to Magashule’s people.

“The threat Paseka is bringing is that he was aligned to Magashule before he became the ANC secretary and he is also advocating for young leaders to be given an opportunity as he is young himself. This is one of the reasons those old people are scared of him. That is why they want him gone,” said the source.

“Ramaphosa’s team fear that RET forces could come back through the back door at the conference. Sisi Ntombela (Free State premier) is also eyeing to be elected as chairperson and also to safeguard her premiership position, and Paseka with his supporters are seen as the stumbling block for her ambitions.”

IPC spokesperson Oupa Khoabane said the IPC was established out of warring groups in the Free State and there was a “robustness of divergent views”, with Dukwana bringing unity.

“In other provinces, chairpersons are premiers, which puts a lot of burden, but they are able to balance organisational work and government responsibilities. Mxolisi Dukwana is no different. He has been able to carry out his responsibilities in government and organisation without hassle,”he said.

Dukwana did not respond to requests for comment.

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