Wally Mbhele, Sunday World Editor. Photo by Bongiwe Mchunu

This special supplement is proudly published in recognition of many of our country’s women who have embarked on unrelenting journeys and selfless struggles to bring about change in their communities and the South African society in general.

These are women who fittingly deserve the honour of being chosen as Sunday World Heroic Women because of the mighty footprints they have carved and left in their wake. They are acclaimed for defying the odds and refusing to sit on their laurels.

They have chosen to engage themselves with the historic duty of trying to ensure that our nation’s future is heightened in different ways. They are present in all spheres of our lives. Some are in academia and education, business and industry, healthcare, agriculture, environment and sustainability while others can be found in science and technology. Many of them are nurturing their communities in sports, arts and culture and provide compelling evidence of their capability to triumph in the male-dominated industries such as construction and engineering. Acclaimed American poet and civil
rights activist Maya Angelou has previously opined that “people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” This is exactly the character of Sunday World Heroic Women who are hailed in this supplement. Angelou’s expression is further enunciated in simple terms by one of the nominees featured in this supplement when she elaborates on how the “ability to love people can help transform a broken society”. It is this ability that has transformed them to become agents of change in their communities and respective fields.
Under Fundudzi Media, we at Sunday World no longer consider ourselves as mere repositories of information. We have become a much bigger and active
partner in the wider movement of social transformation in our country. Our celebration of Heroic Women comes in the wake of an equally successful Unsung Heroes campaign, which was launched in June and dedicated to the many young men and women of our country who are not afraid to dream and act – even when the odds are stacked against them.

We have decided to identify and partner with these agents of social change and celebrate their feat on our pages and other platforms.

We salute all the women who are featured in this special edition and thank all the sponsors whose contributions have made it possible that the Sunday World Heroic Women project is realised.

Heroic Women 2021 Categories


