Author: Sunday World

Putting good looks, not ball skills, to work 
Hot Mgosi

Shwashwi: Putting good looks, not ball skills, to work 

Putting good looks, not ball skills, to work  Is Bongani Zungu still a footballer or is he now an influencer? Shwa cannot help but notice that the former -Mamelodi... Read more.
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Shwashwi: Satmas’ clumsy attempt to raise the dead plain embarrassing, period 

Satmas’ clumsy attempt to raise the dead plain embarrassing, period  It’s true that the more things change the more they stay the same, which can be said of... Read more.
Deputy public protector vacancy

ATM’s claim of legal ‘victory’ a farce

The Office of Public Protector Kholeka Gcaleka has accused the African Transformation Movement (ATM) of shameless bravado and disinformation following its claim... Read more.