Author: Sunday World


Too early to blow trumpet about virtues of new unity government 

If, as the saying goes, a week is a long time in politics, where does that leave the 100 days used traditionally for new governments or administrations to sit back... Read more.

BMW workers must face the music for medical aid scam 

The Labour Court has dismissed a bid by the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (Numsa) that it intervene in disciplinary processes unleashed on hundreds... Read more.
National Skills Fund

MPs call for SIU probe into National Skills Fund 

Parliament’s portfolio committee on higher education wants President Cyril Ramaphosa to sign a proclamation that will instruct the Special Investigating Unit (SIU)... Read more.

ANC veterans warn party to renew or go down the tubes 

The ANC Veterans’ League will submit to the ANC a five-step plan in which is pushing for the party to take a no-nonsense approach in dealing with organisational... Read more.