Author: Sunday World

Judith Sephuma
Hot Mgosi

Shwashwi: Let’s share the love potion Aunty Judy, shall we? 

Let’s share the love potion Aunty Judy, shall we?  I swear Cupid is dicriminationg against some of us, Shwa especially. The plump fresh-faced love angel’s arrow... Read more.
Fadiel Adams
Hot Mgosi

Shwashwi: Setting parliament, Verwoerd and all, on fire again, Ma se Kind 

Setting parliament, Verwoerd and all, on fire again, Ma se Kind  National Coloured Council leader Fadiel Adams has exploded onto the political scene with fiery... Read more.
Manto Madlala
Hot Mgosi

Shwashwi: Sisi Manto a lost cause in the fashion stakes 

Sisi Manto a lost cause in the fashion stakes  SA football icon Stanley “Screamer” Tshablala was laid to rest in a glittering sendoff at the Grace Bible Church... Read more.
Thoko Didiza
Hot Mgosi

Shwashwi: Same old, same old in the house 

The first sitting of parliament of the new administration last week sure felt like de ja vu. New speaker of the house Thoko Didiza already had her hands full. Like... Read more.
Colleen Makhubele
Hot Mgosi

Shwashwi: Ask your locals for tips, politics ain’t for sissies 

Ask your locals for tips, politics ain’t for sissies  Where did Colleen Makhubele and Masizole Mnqasela disappear to, vele? After their infant political parties,... Read more.
Premier backs top Mpumalanga school facing alcohol and drug abuse challenge

Premier backs top Mpumalanga school facing alcohol and drug abuse challenge

On Wednesday, the office of Mpumalanga Premier Mandla Ndlovu held Mandela Day activities to inspire pupils at Sitfo­kotile Secondary School in ­Matsulu, particularly... Read more.

Wool infrastructure Support for emerging Eastern Cape farmers

The Eastern Cape Rural Development and Agrarian Reform Department (DRDAR) continues to provide wool improvement infrastructure, equipment and training to communal... Read more.