‘Putting reality on the table builds trust’
Leading from the “middle” might sound like a new concept, but not if you’re Andrew Bahlmann, the CEO of Deal Leaders International. “I definitely believe... Read more.
Former Deloitte boss appointed to Standard Bank board
Former Deloitte Africa CEO Lwazi Bam has been appointed to the board of banking giant Standard Bank. The appointment was announced to shareholders on Tuesday morning,... Read more.
Moody’s gives thumbs up to state’s plan for Eskom debt
Moody’s Investors Service raised its outlook on Eskom’s debt ratings to positive for the first time in 15 years in a move seen to be an affirmation to the announcement... Read more.
Presidency officials flagged in alleged graft in sale of SAA
Director-general (DG) in the Presidency Phindile Baleni and President Cyril Ramaphosa’s political adviser, Bejani Chauke, have been dragged into allegations of... Read more.
Jaggerfontein learner crushed by mine truck
Tragedy has again struck the town of Jaggerfontein in the Free State after a learner was mauled down by a mine truck. The grade 5 learner who attended Boaramelo... Read more.
Sandton City owner moves to quell fears over terror attack
Liberty Two Degrees (L2D), which mall assets include Sandton City, Eastgate and Shopping Centre, said on Thursday that its Sandton facility was safe following a... Read more.
Ousted Ekurhuleni mayor vows to fight on
Ousted Ekurhuleni mayor Tania Campbell has vowed to keep fighting for the residents of Africa’s manufacturing hub, albeit from the opposition benches. Campbell,... Read more.
Unpopular Gauteng e-tolls headed for end of the road
Finance Minister Enoch Godonwana used the medium-term budget policy statement to indicate that the e-tolls in Gauteng will soon be a thing of the past. “Uncertainty... Read more.
Taxpayers might take over huge chunk of Eskom’s R400bn debt
Government confirmed on Wednesday that it will take over a large chunk of Eskom’s R400-billion to ensure the financial viability of the embattled power utility.... Read more.
Famous Brands’ revenue surges to R3.6bn in six months to August
Famous Brands, which owns restaurants such as Debonairs, Milky Way, Mugg & Bean and Wimpy, posted a 19% revenue increase to R3.6-billion in the six months to... Read more.