Budget2021: Over R200 billion allocated to criminal justice system
Johannesburg – Finance Tito Mboweni has announced that government will over the next three years allocate R213.4 billion to ensure the safety of the country... Read more.
Nzimande gives Edendale Hospital the thumbs up to administer vaccine
Johannesburg – Higher Education, Science and Innovation Minister, Dr Blade Nzimande, has commended Edendale Hospital for its level of preparedness to administer... Read more.
Treasury projects a R212.2 billion tax revenue shortfall
Johannesburg – The National Treasury announced on Wednesday that the gross tax revenue for 2020/21 is expected to be R213.2 billion lower than projections... Read more.
Condolences pour in for Professor Benno Ndulu
Johannesburg – President Cyril Ramaphosa has expressed sadness at the passing of esteemed Tanzanian economist Professor Benno Ndulu. The professor who served... Read more.
Health system boosted to respond to COVID-19
Johannesburg – Government will in the next financial year avail an additional R8 billion to the health system for the country’s COVID-19 pandemic response.... Read more.
More suspects arrested for SASSA disability grant corruption
Johannesburg – Eighteen suspects have been arrested in connection with South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) disability grant corruption in Khobo village... Read more.
Treasury projects the economy to grow by 3.3%
Johannesburg – As the country begins to roll out a massive vaccination programme, the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is projected to grow by a rate of 3.3 percent... Read more.
Budget2021: R217 billion allocated for economic growth programmes
Johannesburg – A total R217 billion will be spent over the next three-years on ambitious economic development programmes aimed at promoting faster and sustained... Read more.
Budget2021: Relief for households as Treasury revises tax brackets
Johannesburg – The personal income tax brackets and rebates will increase by 5 percent, providing relief to households by ensuring that inflation does not... Read more.
Budget2021: R9 billion cash injection for COVID-19 vaccine programme
Johannesburg – In support of government’s quest to inoculate 67 percent of the South African population, the National Treasury will inject an amount of R9... Read more.