Minister Zizi Kodwa granted R30k bail after arrest for graft

Zizi Kodwa, the Minister of Sport, Arts, and Culture, has been granted bail after he was arrested on Wednesday morning.

Kodwa was instructed to hand over his personal passports to the investigating officer and not to interfere with state witnesses.

The court also cautioned that should he fail to present himself in court at a future date, a warrant for his immediate arrest would be issued.

Kodwa was taken into custody after turning himself in at the Bramley police station.

The Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation (Hawks) revealed the high-profile arrest in a statement released on Wednesday morning.

Kodwa faces corruption charges

The 54-year-old, who is one of President Cyril Ramaphosa’s closest confidants, appeared at the Palm Ridge magistrate’s court to face charges of corruption.

His arrest and court appearance are expected to trigger the ANC’s step-aside rule, which stipulates that any party member who is criminally charged and appears in court must relinquish his position.

The Chief Justice Raymond Zondo-led State Capture Commission implicated Kodwa in wrongdoing.

It was alleged that he accepted “bribes” amounting to about R1.7-million from businessman and former EOH boss Jehan Mackay.

Hawks spokesperson Brigadier Thandi Mbambo said: “Two suspects, aged 47 and 54, handed themselves over this morning at Bramley police station to members of the Hawks’ multi-disciplinary state capture task team, after warrants of arrest were granted on June 4.

Investigation is ongoing

“The arrest of the pair was the result of an ongoing investigation into corruption at state-owned entities and following recommendations by the Zondo Commission on state capture.

“The two are to face charges relating to the Prevention and Combatting of Corrupt Activities Act.”

She explained that after the commission released the fourth report in June 2022, where several recommendations required that law-enforcement agencies institute criminal investigations, the national head of the Hawks established a state capture task team to investigate identified matters.

“Among those recommendations was a case involving an entity that specialises in the provision of technology services to businesses.

“IT [information and technology] services, systems integration, software, industrial technology, and business process outsourcing received tenders from various government departments.

“An investigation revealed that during the period from April 28, 2015, to February 2, 2018, an executive on behalf of his entity enticed his co-accused to gratification amounting to R1 710 000 for personal benefit.

“The funds are reported to have been utilised for the purchase of a luxury SUV and the payment of luxury accommodations.”

Task team and investigators praised 

The national head of the Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation, Lieutenant-General Godfrey Lebeya, welcomed the arrest and indicated that the work of the Hawks’ investigators assigned to the state capture task team and the advocates from the National Prosecution Authority is commendable.

“The arrests of the two today bring the total number of those arrested by the DPCI in matters relating to state capture to 29, which includes 21 natural persons and eight juristic persons. The work is continuing.

“The other members of the DPCI shall continue to work with the Investigating Directorate Against Corruption in matters that are handled by that entity,” she said.

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