President Cyril Ramaphosa delivers Peter Mokaba Memorial Lecture

Johannesburg – After a rocky start, President Cyril Ramaphosa managed to deliver his speech at the Peter Mokaba Memorial Lecture.

ANCYL members had protested outside the Jack Botes hall where the lecture was meant to be held at 3:30 pm on Friday afternoon.

The president finally managed to deliver his address, outside the hall.

Ramaphosa said, “Peter Mokaba was courageous, he was disciplined unlike what we see today. He was well steeped in the culture of ANC politics and a remarkable leader.”

Ramaphosa further said that young people in 1976 rose up to speak and act against the oppressive education laws.

He said, “We salute the young lions and young people of democratic South Africa who worked with Peter Mokaba. Sihle Zikalala is here all the way from KZN.”

The president went on to say it was an honour to be invited to deliver a memorial lecture to remember Peter Mokaba.

Earlier in the day, the president hosted a fundraising golf day.

Also read: Peter Mokaba Memorial Lecture delayed due to ANCYL protests

Ramaphosa tees off ahead of ANC’s 110th anniversary celebration with golf day

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