Feathers fly as SIU zooms into Eskom, chicken and fruit contracts

The Special Investigating Unit (SIU) will investigate allegations of corruption and maladministration in nine Eskom contracts.

This comes after President Cyril Ramaphosa signed a proclamation authorising the corruption-busting unit to probe the power utility’s affairs.

The SIU said it will investigate the following contracts:

• The procurement of and contracting for coal from Tegeta Exploration and Resources Limited for coal supplied by Optimum Coal Mine Limited and the Brakfontein Colliery Mine;

• Procuring and contracting for coal information technology services under a master services agreement concluded with T Systems International GmbH;

• The procurement of and contracting for information technology services related to software licence and support agreements concluded with SAP South Africa (Pty) Limited;

• Procurement of and contracting for coal services concerning Task Order SM008 for “capital scrubbing”;

• The procurement of and contracting for coal security services from Combined Private Investigations (Pty) Limited;

• The procurement of and contracting for coal forensic investigation services from Kapditwala Incorporated, trading as Dentons South Africa;

• The procurement of and contracting for information technology services from Cutting Edge Commerce (Pty) Limited (formerly Leonardo Business Consulting);

• Serious maladministration in connection with the affairs of Eskom relating to a pre-payment by Eskom of approximately R1.68-billion for coal from Optimum Coal Mine to Hendrina power station, which pre-payment was later changed to a guarantee; and

• Serious maladministration in connection with the affairs of Eskom relating to a pre-payment by Eskom of about R659-million to Tegeta Exploration and Resources Limited.

“Additionally, the SIU will investigate any unauthorised, irregular, fruitless, or wasteful expenditure incurred by Eskom or the state.

“The investigation will encompass any unlawful or improper conduct by Eskom officials, employees, suppliers, service providers, or any other involved parties.

“The proclamation covers allegations of unlawful and improper conduct that occurred between 1 March 2006 and 30 August 2024, as well as any related activities before 1 March 2006 and after the date of the proclamation that are pertinent to the matters under investigation or involve the same persons, entities, or contracts,” the SIU said.

Proclamation amended

Meanwhile, the unit said the proclamation authorising it to investigate allegations at the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform has been amended.

“The amendment results from the SIU’s investigations, which revealed that the SIU needs to investigate further areas that the existing proclamations did not cover.

“The SIU requested a proclamation amendment in terms of time and focus areas,” the unit said.

The amendment additionally authorises the SIU to investigate the acquisition by the department or beneficiaries of:

• The Bekendvlei, Nirwanda, Wonderhoek, Mont Piquet, Appelkloof and Rietvlei farms;

• Mike’s Chicken (Pty) Limited, immovable assets and animals for Project Harmonie, Project Uitkyk, and Project Dipalemo; and

• Shares in Bambanani Fruits BEE (Pty) Limited regarding the department’s proactive land acquisition strategy or the land redistribution for agricultural development policy and identifying, selecting and appointing strategic partners and beneficiaries.

Systemic failures

“Additionally, the SIU will investigate any unauthorised, irregular, fruitless, or wasteful expenditure incurred by the department or the state. 

“The investigation will encompass any unlawful, improper or corrupt conduct by department officials, employees, suppliers, service providers, or any other involved parties.

“Beyond investigating maladministration, corruption, and fraud, the SIU will identify systemic failures and recommend measures to prevent future losses.

“In line with the Special Investigating Units and Special Tribunals Act 74 of 1996 [SIU Act], the SIU will refer any evidence of criminal conduct uncovered during its investigation to the National Prosecuting Authority [NPA] for further action,” the SIU concluded. – SAnews.gov.za

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  1. Yes what a relief now,this was supposed to
    be done years ago,but because the ANC are no more the sole rulers,but with many other parties involve and Cyril ramaphosa
    see now his corrupt activities will be exposed. He promised the people of South Africa, a so called “new dawn & thumb mina”,but what came of it,and now the net is closing on him& his so called cronies and allies,Gwede
    and many more,and lastly what about the phala phala scandal of which the entire ANC cares blocked by means of their majority vote in parliament, so now the web is closing slow but surely and wants to be serious now this time after so much wide scale corruption. A leopard/giraffe cannot change his spots unless the skin are removed and that’s what
    gonna/busy happening now and
    all of a sudden the SIU has to jump,but the main thing still remains, will his cronies and allies also be investigated at the helm of all SOE’s is the main question that still need to be seen,or is it only the ones outside his territory/crawl and jurisdiction,is the main issue that are waiting or in question,and a very bigggg question,but let’s w
    Whether he ha a backbone or spine????

  2. Why should the citizenry pay exorbitant Eskom tarif increases as a result of government’s failure and corruption?
    Defunct SOE’s should be shut down or restructured. This will allow healthy competition from private investment to render those same services at affordable rates. A 40% increase request is ludicrous!!!
    Even those government subsidies for us to install domestic solar systems are now coming back to bite us through hefty monthly municipal levies they impose because we’ve gone off grid which is now costing us more than the subsidies we received. Go

  3. Shame on you Eskom!!
    And government!!!
    How the he’ll can you expect we pensioners, poor people and general public to fill your pockets to have a lavish lifestyle. You don’t have any decency to be in any position to make decisions over my and others hard earned money. Stop all Eskom tariff hikes and pay back the stolen money!!!


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