Tips to stem huge losses during the rainy season

Johannesburg – With the rainy season upon us, insurers have warned that building-related claims usually see a surge during this season.

It is important for consumers to educate themselves about the possible reasons why insurance claims related to rain could be rejected in order to mitigate the risk of financial loss. Dialdirect Insurance warns that building-related insurance claims increase by 97% during the rainy season.

“Water, hail and lightning damage, as well as falling trees, are typically the biggest culprits when it comes to buildings insurance claims. In many cases, these claims could have been prevented by proactive inspections and maintenance,” says Anneli Retief, the head of Dialdirect.

“Just because your home withstood the last rainy season doesn’t mean that everything is still on par. Rather take the time to inspect your home, or have it professionally inspected, and take proactive steps where needed. It could save you thousands of rand and avoid serious injury.”

Buildings insurance covers loss or damage to the actual house structure as a result of fire or explosion, storm, flood, lightning strike and resultant damage, while home contents insurance covers the possessions that are in your home.

Retief offers the following tips for a thorough rainy season inspection:

• All clear: Clear leaves and gutters regularly. Leaves and other debris could prevent water from effectively draining away from the roof.

• Roof ready: Check the roof for tiles that may have shifted, deteriorated waterproofing, parts of thatched roofs that are slipping, etc. Also do an inspection of the inside of the roof to make sure that it seals properly. No sunlight should be visible because if sunlight can sneak through, water can too.

• Crack crackdown: Check all door and window frames, especially those made of wood, as well as walls, floors and foundations for cracks.

• Pain in a drain: Make sure that draining channels, pipes and holes are in a good condition and keep an eye out for water pooling when it rains. A build-up of water in your yard or around your house could cause rising damp and foundation problems. Use (preferably environmentally friendly) drain cleaners often, even if there are no drain problems.

• Paint flaking: Look out for paint that’s flaking or peeling. Paint protects your home just like varnish protects wood. When you repaint, be sure to include a good sealant.

• Pressure test: The pressure of strong wind, heavy hail or an excess amount of water can push trees and structures to their limits. Branches, garden furniture, tools or parts of structures that come loose can become dangerous projectiles.

• Reinforcements: If you live in an area that’s prone to floods or other extreme weather conditions, your own supply of sandbags and other reinforcements are a good idea.

• Avoid the shock: Install plugs that can protect devices against power surges caused by lightning. This will also help to reduce the fire hazard.

• Be on the lookout: Look out for safety risks in the area around your house, like bad drainage, cracked structures and landslip and alert authorities immediately.

“It may take some effort but proactive checks and repairs could save you a small fortune,” Retief says. “It is always wise to have good, comprehensive home owner’s cover in place in case disaster strikes.”

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