Network carrier Vodacom said today it had appointed Raisibe Morathi as its chief financial officer (CFO).
Morathi is currently Nedbank’s CFO – the bank has also announced her resignation.
Shameel Joosub, CEO of Vodacom Group, said he is delighted to welcome Morathi to the Vodacom.
“Raisibe has a proven track record in dealing competently with complex leadership challenges and driving strategic transformational change. Given Vodacom Group’s leadership position as a mobile money provider in Africa and our accelerated growth ambitions beyond traditional Telco services, Raisibe’s extensive financial services experience makes her an excellent addition to the Vodacom Group Board and Executive Committee (Exco),” Joosub said.
Raisibe said she was excited to be joining the Vodacom Group.
“I would like to thank Sitho Mdlalose for his significant contribution as interim Group Chief Financial Officer during a time that happened to coincide with the unprecedented global pandemic. In his new role as CFO of Vodacom South Africa (VSA), Sitho will have dual reporting lines into Raisibe and Balesh Sharma, designate CEO of VSA,” Joosub said.